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TFL Painting Challenge: Another Big One!

Things are really hotting up here: I can't leave updating the challenge longer than a few days before my inbox starts bursting with new entries!

So, today, in no particular order, we have:

  • Carole with some ACW figures in 15mm
  • Chris Stoesen also in 15mm, but with figures for the AWI rather than the ACW
  • Mr Naylor returns with four buildings and some Austrians
  • The acronyms are flying everywhere, as Kev pops in a couple of units for his ECW collection
  • The Great Gatzemeyer sends in some lovely half-tracks...and my money is on it being earlier than August!
  • Mervyn has built a couple of buildings
  • Sapper has gone mad for Vikings: fifty-four of them to be exact
  • and finally Stumpy has been re-basing like mad: Fallschirmjaegers, Zulu War Brits, and some civilians for Sharp Practice

Today's pictures are as follows:

Carole's Confederate Commanders

The GG's German Half-tracks

Some of Sapper's Vikings