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TTS AAR: British Open Game 4: Early Imperial Romans vs Chin Chinese

My final game at this year’s British Open To The Strongest tournament, held at SELWG, was against Dene’s Chin Chinese.

Nasty opponents: massed crossbow fire hammering in from distance and then dagger-axemen, spearmen and heavy chariots to fight in melee!

To be absolutely honest, I don’t remember a huge amount about what actually happened during the game! I know that it began with my troops advancing steadily towards the enemy, undergoing the expected hail of crossbow bolts. On the right, I used a unit of Legionaries to hold some cavalry and lights in place. On the left, my equites alares/cohortales effectively cancelled out the rest of his cavalry. In the centre, the two lines clashed with both sides losing some units. Honours even so far.

Things continued to be neck and neck until we both both down to one victory medal: it was going to be sudden death for the next person to lose a unit. I was, however, in a better position tactically, with my troops in a slightly better state than Dene’s. If I could survive his turn, I should be able to win in mine.

Unfortunately, Fortuna deserted me: Dene drew three 10’s in five cards (well, three chits marked ‘10’ in five chits as he was using TTS chits not cards) and KO’d a Legionary unit, meaning that I lost the game 12-13! Talk about close!

So what did that mean for the tournament as a whole?

Tim and his Galatians that I had beaten in Game 3, Dene and his Chin Chinese and I and the Early Imperial Romans all had three wins and one loss…which meant that points wise Tim won the tournament on 613 points, I came second on 596 points, with Dene in third place on 520 points. I was pipped at the post again!

Whatever the result, it had been a great tournament, with four very enjoyable games against very gentlemanly opponents.

As I have said before, I highly recommend taking part in those tournaments that you can manage if only to meet other people from the TTS community.

Finally today, here are some more shots of the final game: