Vis Lardica

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Late War in Germany. I was trying to hold back the Red hordes the other night – we had a great time and feel like the rules are running more smoothly now we've played a few times.

It was a very close game, but it didn't look like it was going to be: the Germans were on the wire with only three regular platoons and one of Volksturm, four tank hunting team, two HMGs, and two PaK 40s…much of which disappeared in the initial bombardment (damn those Katyushas!) or was avoided by the positioning of the Russian advance and didn't get into play.

Meanwhile, the Ruskies were fielding three tank platoons, three infantry units (one of SMGs) and had two bombardments and a Katyusha strike (so able to cover all the main deployment areas). Note to Self: Don't deploy forward into combat areas at first if you have even the vaguest idea the Russians might have artillery...

Remarkably, I as the Germans managed to squeak a narrow victory by holding the buildings at the last :)

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