Vis Lardica

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I've mentioned before how the new plastic models in 15mm make collecting large numbers of tanks very affordable. Here's the proof of the pudding: a whole squadron of Churchill British Infantry Tanks from Plastic Soldier Company that cost me just £75, with a box of US half-tracks thrown in as a freebie.

Painting the tanks was a bit of a nightmare: not because of the tanks themselves, but because I accidentally sprayed them with leaf green rather than a proper, darker shade. That meant that I had to ink them, then drybrush, then wash them, then drybrush again etc just to get them down to a green I could look at without sunglasses. As it happens, the process gave the colour a depth and shading that I'm very happy with: makes them look more real.

I had decided to field the tanks as C Squadron of 4th Coldstream Guards and, thanks to the excellent Dom's Decals, could actually individually name every single tank with its correct name. Each troop's names begin with the same letter, and all are listed at the bottom of the page. DD also provided the bridging weight (40 for a Churchill) and the various divisional markings (153 and the Guards' shield). I've used a bit of poetic license with where the markings are placed for aesthetic reasons!

The squadron is built as Mk IV Churchills. Perhaps not strictly accurately, the tanks are mostly armed with the 75mm gun, with only 15 Troop having converted back to 6pdrs. 

C Squadron of 4th Coldstream Guards of 6th Guards Tank Brigade

C Squadron of 4th Coldstream Guards of 6th Guards Tank Brigade

HQ Troop

CO: Revenge

2iC: Renown

CS: Resolution

ARV: Resource

11 Troop

11: Bandit

11A: Buccaneer

11B: Bulldog

12 Troop

12: Dreadnaught

12A: Defiant

12B: Dauntless

13 Troop

13: Minotaur

13A: Minerva

13B: Medusa

14 Troop

14: Triumph

14A: Terror

14B: Thunderbolt

15 Troop

15: Vindictive

15A: Valiant

15N: Venomous

Two Detail Shots of the Churchills and a Shot of the Whole Squadron