Vis Lardica

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We are continuing our CoC-activation Kursk campaign south of Seattle (parallel to Big PSC “Storming the Citadel” played two weeks ago with the GD division) this time with Das Reich jumping off their panzerkiel past the village of Berezov into the first defensive belt, also on July 5th.

George Kettler played 155th Guards Rifles with a supporting pakfront (5+5 dice) and Reynor Padilla played both mixed platoons of Panzer IIIs and IVs and two Panzer VI “Tigers” plus armored Panzer Grenadier (PG) company. An anti-tank trench was in the middle with a minefield covering its end, Soviets deploying on the high terrain past the village.

Stuff got spotted quickly as Blinds closed, and Reynor was supposed to get four platoons off the Soviet edge with at least 50% left. Kicked off with two entrenched Zis-2s making quick work of the Panzer III platoon in the tall grass. Both players were discovering the lethality of bunching sections in the 9”-18” “Good Shot”-band, with the PGs with their Hanomag MGs getting the better on the rifle platoons exposed on the skyline with no cover. The smaller AT guns did not catch one sneaky Blind that made it all the way into the end zone full of Panzer IVs.

Then the Blind with the two Tigers revealed, with one running for the line while the other engaged the AT Guns, the other two PG platoons disembarking behind them. After four hours, we called a minor Soviet victory with three possible platoons breaching the band after losing four Panzer IIIs. We’re still fumbling with the rules, activation and getting used to the firepower vs. range chart. Thanks, Raynor and George for getting this campaign string off the ground, and please chime in!

Will Depusoy