Vis Lardica

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Scottish Lancers

I’ve finally had a chance to finish a unit that’s been sitting on the painting table for almost a week: a unit of Scottish Lancers for my ECW Covenantor army.

The main body figures are from Khurasan’s ECW Scots & Irish range, painted mainly with GW Contrast Paints. The two command figures are Peter Pig. The flag is a custom design from Maverick. As I didn’t have a command figure holding a flag, and wrapping it around one of the lancers looked weird, I decided to have the chap on the left waving a cut-down version!

The unit is based for For King & Parliament on a Warbases vehicle base. The purple heather is from Boontown.

I also managed to paint up a Colonel’s command base for the troops: a couple of figures from Peter Pig:

These were painted in the same way as the Lancers, above.