First Marlowe to Maidenhythe AAR!

One of the nice things about writing scenario packs (in addition to having a little bit of extra cash to buy more figures) is seeing that people are actually playing games based on your work.

Marlowe to Maidenhythe, my English Civil War scenario pack for For King & Parliament was only published about two weeks ago, so it’s really pleasing to be able to report that I’ve seen the first AAR based on the first encounter of the campaign.

It’s posted on FB, in the 6mm Miniatures & Wargames Group which, as it is Private, you might not be able to immediately see from this link…but it is there, let me assure you!

I hope the author doesn’t mind, but here’s a quick pic of the initial stage of the battle:

If anyone’s interested, you can buy your own copy of Marlowe to Maidenhythe by clicking here or on the picture below.