Cossack Command & Tatars

Sorry for the lack of posts this week: been very busy in the real world!

Expect a flood of interesting content over the next couple of days but, to start, here’s a catch-up of some painting I’ve been doing.

First up are a couple of command bases for my 15mm Zaporogian Cossacks. Lovely figures from the By Fire & Sword range painted mostly with Contrast paints. I especially like the chap on the right with the pipe.

Alongside the two Colonels, I also painted a base’s worth of Tatar light horsemen. These are also from the By Fire & Sword range, and are also nice figures.

One thing: the riders are metal and the horses are plastic. There must be a good reason for this, and I didn’t notice that the figures felt top heavy, but the plastic is of the soft, bendy variety, so sometimes the horses are “set” at a funny angle and, unlike metal figures, can’t be straightened out. You have to slope the base when you mount it to get the horse as a whole to sit straight.

It also means that I am less confident of picking up the base by the two outside figures: I’m worried that the plastic won’t take the weight. I know I shouldn’t be picking up the base by the figures anyway, but sometimes in the heat of battle etc. I shall have to see how they manage on the tabletop.